become an
eCO diver

One of our Coral Nurseries at Koh Tae Nai

Koh Phangan Adventure Company is committed to protecting and conserving the environment. We do all we can to get involved with organized projects locally and worldwide.

Marine Animal Rescue Logo
A Diver attaching a piece of Acropora Coral to our Coral Nursery

Coral Nursery

We are working closely together with the Department of Marine and Coastal Resources (DMCR) and research organizations like CoreSea and Coral Watch.

Find out more about our exciting coral nursery projects and do your part to keep our reefs beautiful.

Net Clean Ups

We do our best to keep the oceans clean and plastic free.
If you are interested in getting involved than get in contact and join the crew for another ghost net clean up.
Everybody is welcome and all help is appreciated, even if you are not getting in the water, there is lots to do.

We require volunteer divers to be rescue diver or higher, or if you have been diving with us for a while and demonstrated great buoyancy skills, problem solving skills and mental awareness than we will consider you to join us underwater.

Lukas on the surface with a lot of retrieved Ghost net
Coral Identification Logo

Coral Identification

Coral reefs are prized among divers and rightly so; drifting over a healthy reef filled with bustling marine life is magical. These precious ecosystems are fascinating, and the SSI Coral Identification specialty program is the best way to learn more about coral reefs and get the most out of your reef dives.
In this coral dive specialty program, you will learn how to identify different corals and earn your SSI Coral Identification specialty certification.

start learning

Marine Ecology

In the SSI Marine Ecology specialty program, you will learn how ocean organisms interact with each other and their environments. You will be taught how energy flows through communities and the links between different ocean ecosystems. With your newfound knowledge, you will appreciate the marine life you dive with even more!

Marine Ecology Logo
A Diver attaching a piece of Acropora Coral to our Coral Nursery

Coral Nursery

We are working closely together with the Department of Marine and Coastal Resources (DMCR) and research organizations like CoreSea and Coral Watch.

Find out more about our exciting coral nursery projects and do your part to keep our reefs beautiful.

Net Clean Ups

We do our best to keep the oceans clean and plastic free.
If you are interested in getting involved than get in contact and join the crew for another ghost net clean up.
Everybody is welcome and all help is appreciated, even if you are not getting in the water, there is lots to do.

We require volunteer divers to be rescue diver or higher, or if you have been diving with us for a while and demonstrated great buoyancy skills, problem solving skills and mental awareness than we will consider you to join us underwater.

Lukas on the surface with a lot of retrieved Ghost net
Coral Identification Logo

Coral Identification

Coral reefs are prized among divers and rightly so; drifting over a healthy reef filled with bustling marine life is magical. These precious ecosystems are fascinating, and the SSI Coral Identification specialty program is the best way to learn more about coral reefs and get the most out of your reef dives.
In this coral dive specialty program, you will learn how to identify different corals and earn your SSI Coral Identification specialty certification.

start learning

Marine Ecology

In the SSI Marine Ecology specialty program, you will learn how ocean organisms interact with each other and their environments. You will be taught how energy flows through communities and the links between different ocean ecosystems. With your newfound knowledge, you will appreciate the marine life you dive with even more!

Marine Ecology Logo

Get in touch with us

Send a message and join us on a fun filled day out on the Ocean!

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Dive Instructor Anna on the Computer in front of the Pier